The Sloth Diaries

The Adventures of a Sloth Copyright 2006

Monday, July 31, 2006

The Sound and the fury

I arrived at the library at 9.30 this morning damp and depressed after being subjected to a bout of road rage at the traffic lights by some oik wearing the ubiquitous baseball cap and driving a beat up old Escort. As I idled at the red light thinking of nothing in particular the little car came rushing up behind me and immediately began beeping his horn. As I looked into the mirror I could see his idiot grinning face . He leaned over his steering wheel and flicked the Vs at me, continually blaring his horn and flashing his lights and mouthing obscenties at me the while! When the lights changed I put my foot down and sped off with Eric Escort in hot pursuit. I finally shook him off at a roundabout and pulled into the library car park as Eric shot past determinedly hunched over the wheel. I felt a bit trembly after this unexpected confrontation and decided to chill out on a cup of chocolate.

I sat quietly munching on a sandwich and drinking hot chocolate out of my Mr Men flask and found myself wondering about these aggressive and unsocialised young people. They have formed feral tribes and roam the streets at night in towns all over Britain. Looking for victims to beat, rob and sometimes kill, to satisfy their bloodlust and stimulate their desire for power and control which in their ordinary lives they feel they don't have. Poor little Britain!!

The knowledge that we gained inthe 60s and 70s when we were searching our souls (well some of us were!!!)seeking enlightenment and trying to be decent human beings doesn't really seem to have percolated down through to the children. They didn't want our legacy but grabbed their inheritance left to them by Maggie Thatcher and the Tories (sounds like a punk group) with both hands. 'Greed is good' and 'There's no such thing as society'. Only the material and Mammon matters ultimately. So that's how we are now.

Ah well! Ce la vie! I got out of the car and started taking the paintings out of the boot and staggered into the library.Patrick was sitting at one of the tables reading a newspaper and looked up when he saw me struggling with the paintings. Some of them are very large. We had agreeed that we would meet there and he would hang the pictures. Patrick's a nice guy. A bit eccentric but has a heart of gold. He's 6'2, thin and with black/grey hair and and slanty blue eyes like a cat. He resembles a basque ( A region in Northwest Spain) especially when he wears his black beret. I don't think he'd mind if I tell you he's not in his first bloom. He paints animals with curiously expressive and almost human faces. He's been on Safari in South Africa to 'shoot' the animals. His only weapon was a camera though.

After the pictures had been hung and admired and the guest book hung up on a hook with it's own pencil on a piece of string, we decided to go for a coffee. Patrick would prefer to go the pub but I'm driving and the police are red hot on drink driving here in Wales. We had a very sticky moment two weeks ago when we went to an exhibition in Swansea. It was held in a chic little gallery, crowded with lots of pretentious wannabees and scruffy, down at heel artists who'd come for the delicious finger buffet and the free wine. Patrick had kindly given us a lift, but when he arrived he immediately began 'sampling' the wine. Many 'samples' later he was very drunk indeed, but he insisted on driving his car and resisted the idea of anyone else driving . He's very territorial. The drive home was traumatic as the car almost left the road several times, not to mention travelling at break neck speed. Patrick had to brake hard frequently and the acrid smell of burning rubber filled our dilated nostrils! I was sitting at the front with eyes tightly closed. If I'd opened them I would have simply started screaming! Somehow we got home safely but with shattered nerves and in great need of a very stiff drink!!.


Blogger Mac said...

Hi Rusty,
Thanks for your comments on my blog. It is good to know that some people read it.
I have been looking at your artwork. Some I don't understand (but then who can tell what is in the mind of the artist?) but some I found most thought-provoking. I liked the "Iron Lady". It seems to me to project the overpowering spirit of the woman - a woman I grew to hate for her complete disregard of the helpless in our society and her creed of "greed is good".
As for your two examples of troubles in cars - don't let the "Kid in the Escort" get to you. The worst thing you can do is try to accelerate away from him because he will take this as a challenge. Stay at normal legal speeds - he'll soon get fed up and pass you. Maybe he'll give you a "V" sign as he goes by but it's better to have a prat like that in front of you rather than behind.
Patrick must learn that he is risking thelives of himself, his passengers and other road users by driving while drunk. DON'T let him drive whilst in that condition again. Next time open your eyes and scream. Perhaps then he'll realise that he could kill you all.
Please read and comment on the rest of my blogs. It seems that you are one of the very few who have seen and responded to them. I will keep an eye on yours and comment where I feel I can make a sensible contribution.

10:50 pm  
Blogger Poetry Pleases! said...

Thanks for your enlightened comments and timely advice. I'm staying at my sister-in-law's house in Brighton on route to Fontainebleau, 55kms from Paris for six weeks. .Lots of opportunities for painting. Will keep an eye on your blog. Take care and enjoy the sunshine!

6:53 am  

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